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Papers/Notes: Social Media Users

Wednesday, April 14
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

 Social Network Activity and Social Well-Being
Moira Burke, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Cameron Marlow, Facebook, USA
Thomas Lento, Facebook, USA

An empirical analysis of the relationship between direct and passive communication on Facebook and social well-being, including loneliness, bridging, and bonding social capital.

Predicting Influence in an Online Community of Creators
Elisabeth Sylvan, TERC, USA

Introduces and frames the concept of Online Communities of Creators (social networks for sharing personal, original work.) Reports on factors that predict two distinct constructs: project influence and social influence.

 Lurking? Cyclopaths? A Quantitative Lifecycle Analysis of User Behavior in a Geowiki
Katherine Panciera, University of Minnesota, USA
Reid Priedhorsky, University of Minnesota, USA
Thomas Erickson, IBM, USA
Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota, USA

Presents data analysis from a geowiki (Cyclopath) of user lifecycles, including pre-registration activity. Explores parallels with other open-content systems as well as design implications.

Motivations to Participate in Online Communities
Cliff Lampe, Michigan State University, USA
Rick Wash, Michigan State University, USA
Alcides Velasquez, Michigan State University, USA
Elif Ozkaya, Michigan State University, USA

Compares individual versus group motivations of both anonymous and registered users to participate in an online community. Provides survey and server data to show how motivations affects participation.

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